Trading Journal #181
Thursday, May.25, 2023 – Trading Options – Daily Journal
9:30am-10:00am: Started day fading QQQ right at 9:30am buying QQQ Puts that doubled and closed mine for +85% gains. Also faded GOOGL with PUT scalp for +50% gains. Tried so buy the dip on IWM with some calls, but no momentum so took some losses on IWM.
9:30AM – QQQ May 25 $339 Puts from 1.35 to 2.5 for 797$ PnL*
9:32AM – GOOGL May 26 $124 Puts from 0.95 to 1.45 for 537$ PnL*
9:33AM – IWM May 26 $177 Calls from 0.55 to 0.52 for -76$ PnL*
9:45AM – IWM May 26 $175 Calls from 1.2 to 1 for -170$ PnL*
10:00-11:00am: Scalped some AAPL PUTs for +30% gains and SPY Calls for +50% gains. IWM another small loss as stock couldnt hold the lows.
10:04AM – AMZN May 26 $116 Calls from 0.95 to 0.9 for -69$ PnL*
10:09AM – AAPL May 26 $170 Puts from 0.32 to 0.42 for 273$ PnL*
10:27AM – IWM May 26 $175 Calls from 0.65 to 0.55 for -168$ PnL*
10:39AM – SPY May 25 $414 Calls from 0.75 to 1.12 for 466$ PnL*
10:27AM – AMZN May 26 $116 Calls from 0.6 to 0.55 for -106$ PnL*
11:00am-12:00pm: Scalped some SPY PUTs for +80% gains and QQQ PUTs for +65% gains and done.
11:18AM – SPY May 25 $413 Puts from 0.55 to 1 for 789$ PnL*
11:21AM – QQQ May 25 $339 Puts from 0.7 to 1.15 for 614$ PnL*
End of Day PnL = +2,887$ gains
End of Day emotions: The morning reaction on shorting QQQ was great as I highlighed on chatroom that NVDA was fading and that played well for those QQQ and GOOGL shorts. The biggest loser on the day was IWM but I gone with calculated risk and kept my stops in place, so I’m happy by respecting my risk management. That fade after 11am, gave that extra cash flow with SPY and QQQ shorts, so I’m happy very happy. I’m staying disciplined, not risking much and following my trading plan. Need to keep my focus and repeat the process over and over again!
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This trading journal is a log of all the options trades made. It is a tool that I use to track my progress and improve my trading strategies over time. I use this information to analyze my trading performance, identify patterns, and improve my decision-making processes. By keeping a trading journal, I can learn from my successes and mistakes, and make better trading decisions in the future. You can use other tools for journal as TraderSync , Tradervue or Excel
*Content is provided for informational purposes only considering average $1,000 per trade. Comissions already included: $0.60 per contract, per trade. All entries and exits are timestamped realtime via Discord Bot. Traders can have different Entries, Exits, Dollar Amount, Risk management and Comissions.
You can find all my journals on Blog. Past historical data is no guarantee on future returns